Friday, April 18, 2008

Alternative Ways to Cure Back Pain

Back pain is suffered by many millions of people who find no long term relief from this complaint; some medicaments can provide back pain relief in the short term, but none exist that completely remove the pain. Whilst pain relief pills may in fact dull the pain to a manageable degree, they do not treat the root cause of the problem so they don't solve it.
People with spinal problems often become addicted to the medication that relieves the back pain. But the while treatment should really be the responsibility of a doctor and you shouldn't do anything on yourself. Back pain is most often caused by muscle strains, repeated strenuous exercises and poor sitting posture.
However, back pain can be caused by a lifting accident or from lifting incorrectly. In such case it is often the lower back that suffers. Many people are turning to other methods of gaining back pain relief which do not include the use of drugs. People want real solutions to their problems and would do almost anything for them. Let's look at the alternative ancient methods:
The most simple but also underused remedies is just the act of stretching which can bring relief to tense muscles. Reflexology is an alternative medical practice. This is how it workds: Pressure is applied to the feet to relieve pain in different parts of the body, it works very well in relieving back pain. Reflexology can also help to improve the body's blood circulation and relax muscles.
Although acupuncture is an age old Chinese medical method that has been used for hundreds of years, it is only recently that the Western world has accepted it as an alternative form of pain relief. Traditional Chinese medicine is based on the theory that all people have life energy which flows through them called "qi" or "chi". Qi can become blocked but can be released by using thin needles inserted into various points on the body. Whilst acupuncture is used for many conditions, it is frequently used for pain relief and many people claim to have excellent results from using it.
Tai Chi is also another ancient Chinese discipline which is basically a type of exercise similar to yoga except it is slower. It focuses on breath control and is very relaxing owing to its gentle nature. It is possible for anyone to participate irrespective of age.
Don't ever forget that very simple and short exercise can provide back pain relief if you do it regularly every day. It is also one of the best preventative things. Yes, the best thing you can do for the prevention is free of charge and needs only a couple of minutes of your time every day.
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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Medication For Your Back Pain, Know What You Take

If you suffer from back pain the one thing you want as quick as possible is pain relief. The level of pain felt will vary between persons, it all depends on the pain tolerance a person has but also on what the cause of the back pain is. Most often you can treat the pain with medication like naproxen or ibuprofen. These are so called non-steriodal anti-inflammatory drugs. One of the biggest problems with these NSAIDs is that you can get potential side effects like increased risk of heart attack or stroke and/or gastrointestinal bleeding.
When you're looking for medication witch don't have these side effects maybe COX-2 inhibitors are an option. At this moment they haven't shown any negative side effects on the gastrointestinal system. Testing, however, is still continuing because the long term safety still has to be determined. Long term usage of non-sterodial anti-inflammatory drugs can have the increasing potential of gastrointestinal and/or kidney damage. The verdict on COX-2 is still out until the research on long term use is done and the effects are known to us.
Although most of the over the counter drugs don't have the same strength as NAIDs, Acetaminophen has shown some successes as pain medication when it comes to reducing the discomfort of having a back pain, and this all without having the many side effects NIADs have. When muscle spasm is the main cause of the pain there are only a few options in pain medications that can reduce the pain.
Drowsiness is the cause of pain medication
The most prescribed drugs, which are part of a persons back pain medication, are muscle relaxers. About 30% of those users have reported that they become extremely drowse when they take them. Muscle relaxers also have not proved to be very effective against muscle spasms even when they are used together with NAIDs no there was no real benefit shown. Muscle relaxers may be more effective then a placebo but the effects physicians have seen they have on alertness makes them very reluctant to prescribe them.
When a person has acute back pain, in some cases, an opiate medication may be prescribed only they have certain side effects you will have to take in to account. These side effects are sedation, clouded judgment, nausea and not in the least the high potential for addiction. Therefor you will never be allowed to take this type of medication for more then a few days. Constipation is one of the most heard of complaint. All though opiate medication or narcotics as pain medication is very effective for pain relieve they will not help to reduce any of the healing time.
No benefit has been shown of oral steroids being a good medication for back pain and there is also no benefit if taken as an injection in the back or as epidural. When used on sciatica they have been successful but without sciatica it's not known to give any relief as a back pain medication.
Richard Collins knows about back pain first hand. He has seen all kinds of doctors and done all kinds of therapies. On his blog at he talks about what can be done to alleviate the pain.
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How To Ease Back Pain

Recognizing the Problem:
We are spending too much time sitting at desks, or standing at work. Our backs were not designed for modern life! But here we are; achy, stiff backs. I remember one project I worked on, the lovely woman sitting next to me kept quietly moaning to herself in pain. I sent her home with my favorite tape and next morning she was smiling! Over the last six years, I have repeated this scenario more times, with more people, than I can count. It only takes once to experience the difference. No drugs involved, but it sure is habit forming!
An Alternative:
So, what is the magic on the tape? Suspend judgement for a moment. It is yoga, but not like the yoga you may have seen or heard horror stories about.
A little background. I first became interested in yoga in the late 60's. However, I felt that what I was seeing wasn't what I was looking for. Twenty years later I met one of the leading yoga instructors from Australia. She had studied extensively in the Far East and at that point had been teaching yoga for 40 years. Even though she was in her 60' she moved with the lightness and grace of a young ballet dancer. She was perfectly ageless. She confirmed what I had suspected. This twist-into- -a-pretzel, contortionistic, competitive, painful "yoga" was not what she knew as yoga either. Yoga is about relaxing muscles, not stressing them out in some ego driven competition. If you enjoy this style of yoga, great. If you are trying to get rid of pain in your back, then try something more back to basics.
After looking for 30 years, I finally found the yoga I was looking for. After your first session you will feel like you did nothing, but your back will feel like new. It is all about relaxation.
Using Yoga for Round Bodies:
The tape I recommend is "Yoga for Round Bodies". However, you don't have to be round. You also don't have to be in shape. It is not the least bit glitzy. No one wears neon pink leotards. You won't be made to feel bad. You won't have to do things that are uncomfortable. You won't do anything that hurts. Afterwards you will just feel relaxed and rested and peaceful. Your back will be happier, even through the next day.
This tape is available on for $29.95. It is only in VHS, that is why I say tape. So, hopefully you have hung onto a VCR, or can borrow one.
Volume 1 has two tapes. After using these tapes myself for over 6 years, I have combined my favorite positions from the two tapes into my regular routine. It takes 20 to 30 minutes. You move at your body's pace. There is time to stretch as your body wants to stretch. Once per day is ideal for maintaining a happy back, but you can use it as often or as infrequently as you wish. Sometimes I have done yoga to start my day, and sometimes as a lovely way to end it. If you have a life that requires decompression, this is a very nice way to achieve that.
As an extra treat, take an Epsom salts bath after yoga, and before bed. Years ago my favorite massage therapist recommended Epsom salts for achy muscles. It works wonders. Now they have actually proven, for sports medicine, that yes, it does work. Of course, finding a good massage therapist is the best treat!!
Always ask your Doctor before starting an exercise program. If you have serious back problems, this may not be for you. Definitely review the positions with your provider first. Don't ever push your back into doing anything it doesn't want to do. If it hurts even a tiny little bit, STOP!
If it hurts, something is wrong. Get checked out by your Doctor.
Download your free report today and discover the SHOCKINGLY simple abdominal workouts, exercises and nutritional advice that will shed pounds from your stomach & transform your flabby belly into firm & flat six pack abs. Visit to download your free copy.
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Lower Back Pain and Hip Pain Causes

During a person's lifetime one thing that is common is that people will suffer from lower back pain. Most of the time the cause of low back pain is a bump or even an accident. When this happens it is usually a mild case and treatment is usually easy.
Others will find they have back pain and don't know what caused the pain and there is no way to control the occurrence of the pain. Spinal conditions are a reason for back pain and many are born with this condition. The sooner you can find the source of the pain, the sooner you and your doctor can treat that back pain and hopefully reduce or eliminate the back pain for good.
Things to consider for the Under 60 population As we all know age can play a role in the causes of low back pain. Older people are usually grouped into a separate category. The reason for this is they sometimes are prone to degenerative conditions, like arthritis.
If you are under sixty years old with back pain there are 3 main categories that you may fall into. These are grouped by common symptoms:
Herniated Discs - Numbness and pain that shoots down the legs from the low back. Pain increases with long periods of sitting or standing. Degenerative Disc Disease - Making certain moves and being in specific positions can cause the onset of back pain. This pain can become chronic and extremely painful. Stress Fractures - Can be very painful and caused when walking or standing. If you are older: A cause of back pain common for those that are older is Osteoarthritis. This can stiffen your back and cause pain. The onset of this pain is usually in the morning or late at night.
Lumbar spinal stenosis is also an cause for back pain in the elderly. Pressure is put on the nerves connected to the spine and causes pain down the legs. Another common reason for pain in the back is by disc degeneration.
Muscles around and supporting the discs go into a spasm causing chronic back pain. Mechanical pain is common because the disc that is degenerating is becoming inflamed. By replacing the bad disc with an artificial one you help relieve the pain associated with degenerative disc disease.
Other less known conditions for low back pain There are some lesser known conditions for lower back pain causes and treatments. These lesser known conditions can make it difficult to diagnose a lower back pain cause as well as to figure out a treatment.
Causes of lower back pain:
Infection Spinal tumor Fibromygalia Sacroiliac joint syndrome Piriformis syndrome Sciatica Poly neuropathy All of these can be causes of low back pain, even though they are more uncommon. They still can be treated, when diagnosed correctly.
Some good news If you can determine the cause of lower back and hip pain, it is easier to find a treatment for the pain. By treating the back pain correctly you will be better off.
Have you got lower back pain? Imagine how great it would be to be back pain free. Get our FREE manuscript showing you how to rid yourself of back pain. Also, showing you ways to get rid of neck and upper thoracic pain too.
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